0510-2310805   donbosco94@gmail.com


The Safety and Security of School Children is a top priority in our School, no task is as important as creating a safe learning environment for our Children and we have put all the security measures in place and created a safe learning environment for every individual who enters the portals of our Institution.

The measures taken by our Institution are as under:-

1. CCTV Cameras are installed all over the School Campus and all the cameras are in proper working condition, every activity in the entire School Campus is minutely monitored, if there is any suspicious activity anywhere around the place a team comprising of the Principal, a Teacher and a Support Staff immediately reach the location to solve the dispute amicably.

2. Visitors are allowed entry only if they have a valid Photo ID Card, their purpose of entry and the time of entry and exit along with other Details are maintained in the Visitor's Register.

3. A Watchman guards the Entrance Gate round the clock therefore no outsider can enter the campus unnoticed. An Eight feet high Boundary wall keeps the campus safe and secure from Intruders.

4. The Administrative, Teaching and Support Staff are provided with a Photo ID Card which they have to wear for the entire working time till they are in the School Campus, no other contractual worker like the Electrician, Plumber or the Carpenter are allowed entry during School Working hours when the Students are in the campus.

5. The School does not have School Transport like Buses,etc therefore we have no Drivers, Cleaners or Conductors,etc in the campus.

6. Security Levels are adequate when Students enter and leave, small children are escorted safely by the Attendants.

7. There are Separate washrooms for the Senior and Junior Students, separate for male and female Staff members and Support staff .

8. The male staff members and boys do not have access to the girl's washrooms.

9. Drinking water facility is also separate for Junior and Senior Students.

10. In case of an Emergency the School has a Stretcher a wheelchair and an oxygen cylinder and First Aid Equipment in the School Infirmary along with a trained medical hand on duty. First Aid Kits are also available in the Laboratories and at the Reception.

11. There is adequate light and ventilation in all the classrooms, staircases have railings and the Chemicals and Gas cylinder in the Chemistry lab are kept in locked Cupboards. no student is allowed to enter the lab unless accompanied with the concerned teacher.

12. In case of Fire: Fire Extinguishers are installed in the School Campus from where they can be easily accessed at the time of emergency the selected students and members of the staff are trained to operate the Fire Extinguishers.

13. The building can be evacuated within 10 minutes in case of any calamity.

14. School Safety Preparedness Drill : In case of Fire, Earthquake,etc mock drills are carried out once in 6 months. Students and Staff members are aware of Evacuation Mock Drills and other precautions to be taken in the event of a catastrophe.

The School has also formed a Safety Advisory Committee which comprises of a Board Member, the Principal, a Teacher, a Parent and a Student who meet once in 6 months to form Regulations and advice the School Management about measures to be adopted to ensure the all round well being of the Students.